Digital Marketing Trends for 2017

Digital Marketing Trends

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, which is why it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. If your business isn’t staying ahead of the curve, you could end up being left behind. Here are a few of the biggest digital marketing trends you’ll want to pay attention to in 2017.

Op-ups and Banner Ads Falling Out of Favor

Despite a rise in social media advertising, consumers are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with brand messaging that’s too intrusive and disruptive. As a result, brands are moving away from traditional tactics and adopting more human-centered interactions. These include chatbots, virtual assistants and instant messaging platforms that can help connect with customers directly.

Make Product Recommendations

One of the biggest digital marketing trends you should focus on is learning about your customer’s buying habits and sending them recommendations based on their needs. This can lead to increased sales and improved brand recognition. You can do this by leveraging your segmented list and sending them product catalogs that are based on their previous purchases.

Use Visuals and Live Video

A major trend for the year ahead is the increase in live video content on social media and in the workplace. Whether it’s a Facebook Live or a LinkedIn Q&A, live video is a great way to engage with customers and build a connection.

Vivid Colors and Gradients are Expected to Stay Hot in 2023

If you’re looking for ways to stand out online, try using a brighter and more eye-catching palette. This can make your site easier to read and more attractive, which will help to improve conversion rates.

Embrace Green Tech

Keeping your business green is a huge digital marketing trend that is expected to continue growing in the coming year. This includes using biodegradable products, reducing energy consumption and other environmentally friendly practices.

Be Personalized

Personalization is another key digital marketing trend that’s going to be popular in the year ahead. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), marketers can analyze consumer intent to offer personalized experiences that are more relevant than ever. This can lead to higher conversions and overall customer satisfaction, which is why this strategy should be high on your to-do list for the year ahead.

Be a Master of Your Data

The use of big data is expected to grow in the year ahead, especially as more companies integrate customer usage and purchasing data across their entire e-commerce sites. This information can be used to provide more engaging customer experiences and help marketers to better understand their target audiences, which will in turn increase their conversions.

Be a Master of Your Devices

With the growing number of smart devices and wearables on the market, it’s important for businesses to adapt to this new world. For example, Google Home Assistant and Amazon Echo will allow your customers to interact with your brand in a whole new way.

There are many other digital marketing trends you’ll want to pay close attention to in 2017, including video, wearable technology and AI-driven marketing. Regardless of your industry, these trends will ensure that you have a successful 2017 and beyond.

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